Security Training Center, San Leandro

California BSIS Power to Arrest and Appropriate Use of Force Security Guard Card in San Francisco Bay Area

Superior Training at Affordable Prices.

San Francisco Bay Area, San Leandro, Alameda County.

All students are provided with printed and professionally-bound manuals which they keep (take home).

Class Enrollment

Register for the next class!

There is a minimum of five (5) students per class.


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Skills Training Course for Security Guards (Guard Card) Price
Part 1: 8-hours, Power to Arrest and Appropriate Use of Force $99.00

Classroom Conduct

Registration: 07:30am
Class Begins: 08:00am sharp.
Lunch: 1-hour lunch break at noon.
Class Resumes 1:00pm sharp.
Class Ends 5:00pm

NOTE: Class starts at 8:00am sharp. Late students will not be admitted to the classroom and will have to attend the next available session. No excuses; no exceptions. This is your first lesson in being on-time to your guard post.


  • Minimum class size is five (5) people.
    If minimum is not met, enrollments will be pushed to next scheduled session.
  • Pre-payment of training fees required for enrollment.

Guard Training Timelines

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You may stand post after an eight-hour course and receiving your Guard Card from the State of California. Afterwards, you have 30-days to complete your first sixteen hours of training and then another six months to complete the remaining sixteen hours (for a total of forty hours of training). You may elect to take all forty-hours of Security Guard Card training at one time.

BSIS Guard Card Training Timelines

Video: BSIS Powers to Arrest and Appropriate Use of Force Final Examination Review

California BSIS Powers to Arrest and Appropriate Use of Force Final Examination Review

Part 1: Power to Arrest and Appropriate Use of Force Training

  • Power to Arrest
  • Appropriate Use of Force

BSIS Guard Card License Fees

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BSIS Application/License Fees

Security Guard (G) Fee
Initial $55
Renewal $40
Replacement Certificate $25

Guard Card Live Scan (Background Check) Fees

Applicants must submit fingerprints electronically using Live Scan. Fees are paid to the Live Scan operator.

Item Fee
Department of Justice (DOJ) Fingerprint Fee $32.00
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Fingerprint Fee $17.00
Live Scan Operator Fees
(Set by Live Scan operator)
Total $49.00

Video: How to Complete the California BSIS Initial Application Process

This video walks the viewer through completing the initial BSIS application process for the Unarmed Security Guard Registration Card.

Video: How to Complete the California Online BSIS Guard Card Application in BreEze

This video walks the viewer through completing the California Online BSIS Guard Card Application in BreEze.

Information provided on this site is educational. It is not legal advice. Training does not guarantee licensing or employment.